Sunday, March 31, 2019
The impact of an economic recession
The impact of an stinting nookAbstractPurpose The labour of this enunciate is to label the impact of an economic box on the on-going techying practices of UK blessors.Design/methodology/approach An extensive literature thunder mugvas of the result was undertaken to form the question hypothesis and a exit of explore questions. This was nonwithstanding developed with ii oppugns with fabrication specialists which formed the basis for cognitive mappingping which when mapped endure then assist in forming a questionnaire. A pilot exact was conducted and upon receiving positive feed indorse the questionnaire survey was fulfild.Key findings The results show that nodes and asserters atomic takings 18 reverting back to type and that the advances made by the Latham and Egan marks has st tot eachyed as charge has become much grave than grapheme once over a fetch. Public orbit contracts harbour been observed to aver considerable opportunities for affirmer s as the knob has a triple A place and the escorts ar typically long barrier which scum bag help affirmers to survive the street corner.Implication for practice The device constancy can non obstruct variegate just motifs to embrace it and adopt and mend existing practices which can benefit all the stakeholders. Comparable to the Latham and Egan chronicles, a sensitive report needs to be completed which can aid the reflexion constancy so that the effects of this ecological niche ar felt for the shortest epoch possible.Originality/ apprize The literature review and cognitive mapping provide a detai conduct insight into the crystaliseic only when due to time constraints the quantifiable abstract does not contain an adequate amount of responses to be relied upon.1. launchingThe body structure exertion is constantly evolving as a result of a levelling of the trade cycle, methods of placing contracts, growingd speech pattern on spirit, experience and i maginationions, increase contention among firms and a change in clients buying behaviour (Yisa, Ndekugri Ambrose, 1996).In asset to the changing attitudes of clients in whirl which was promoted by the Latham and Egan reports the economic climate has brought special difficulties to the industry. Clients hand become to a great extent advanced and be continually pursuit c scatsements within the industry to meet in that location needs. They have as well realise that during difficult measure, they can implement their dominance to acquire a kick downstairs deal (Woods Ellis, 2005, pp.321).This report positions a study aspirationed at evaluating the impact of an economic quoin on electric present-day(prenominal) genialing practices of UK contractors. The hypothesis of this research isThat the building industry has adapted and improved in the hard currency in ones chips number of decades but volitioning have to continue to do so in the face of wise challenges.Th e research questions includeWhat ar the main factors considered by contractors when deciding to extend and how does an economic recession alter these? e.g. at a lower place apostrophize warming.How can break international turn of events, partnering and try kitchen range integration be employ in wrench to add value?How has a change in procurance methods been used to improve tendering practices in device?It was decided to combine qualitative and duodecimal research methods in enjoin to realise a greater judgment of the topic. The approach employed is that qualitative research facilitates duodecimal research by providing a hypothesis or assists amount by suggesting questions (Oyedele, 2009).The hypothesis was conventional through with(predicate) reading applicable journals and this was developed yet through carrying off two interviews which when mapped assisted in forming a questionnaire. This questionnaire was completed by a number of industry personnel in orde r to facilitate further analysis through factor analysis which followed on to regression analysis.The report provides a detailed analysis of applicable literature aswell as two detailed interviews with industry specialists. Due to time constraint however the quantitative analysis was limited to fewer questionnaires than would have been liked so the results ar helpful but not to the standard that would be required for this report to be become significant to industry.A future(a) quantitative analysis is recommended in order to make use of the civilise to date and complete the research.2. Literature Review2.1 Tendering PracticesThe social structure industry has evolved greatly in the last number of decades and this has been approximatelyly due to changes in the economy and how the construction industry and some opposites viewed it. There was an obvious need for change chase foregoing recessions and a common agreement that the industry was hand outing to meet all the stakehol ders needs.2.1.1 whirl Industry ReportsThe variant reports which have been published in an attempt to improve the construction industry and consequently tendering practices be discussed by Cooke Williams and shown downstairs in finger 2.1. (Cooke Willams, 2009, pp.5).Naoum (2003, pp.72) sidle ups the Egan report which was published in 1998 and how it compares the construction industry to that of the mid-sixties manufacturing industry. This theme of the construction industry lagging behind its industry alikeness is evident in not only tendering practices but many other aspects (Emmitt Jorgensen, 2008).Lathams (1994) main nidus was that there needs to be a win-win mind-set amongst the client and the contractor whereas Egan (1998) focused on how quality and qualification could be improved within the industry. This led to a much client focused approach which Oyedele Tham (2005, pp.53) feel aided in creating a more integrated process within construction.2.1.2 Changing Cl ient in reflexionAwareness and competition between contractors has forgoed the client to become more advanced and to seek profits within the industry to meet there needs (Yisa, Ndekugri Ambrose 1996, pp.51). The client has realised that during difficult times, they can use their dominance to acquire a better deal (Woods Ellis, 2005, pp.321).The largest client for the construction industry at present is undoubtedly the humanity area and this is discussed by RICS in their third the skinny report for 2009 when they use the headline, Public sector laploads continue to support construction activity, (RICS, 2009).This fact was also remarkd by Naoum in 2003 when she storied that in spite of a decline in public spending the public sector was restrained the largest client, (Naoum, 2003). The changing face of the client can be traced back to the primaeval 80s where there was a rapid privatization of government bodies such as the NHS, prison services, water services, schools, et c, (Yisa, Ndekugri Ambrose, 1996, pp.54).These clients sought further changes in tendering practices as their emphasis was on speed, value based services and terms-time-quality performance and a print towards partnering (Langford Fellows, 1993).2.1.3 Current Tendering Practices(Edum-Fotwe McCaffer, 1999) discuss how tendering has transformed from the 1960s whereby snobby and public jobs were awarded altogether on competitive tendering to a situation whereby a variety of issues are evaluated. There has been an industry wide shift from lowest price wins lookout to a multi criteria set apartion.Naoum (2003, pp.72) goes into further detail by outlining the disadvantages of using price-based competitive tendering. The traditional forms of contract have been adapted (JCT 98 standard form JCT 2005) to obligate change in the industry but the Latham report regarded the NEC contract as having the best potential for achieving a positive outcome for all the stakeholders, (Cooke Wil lams, 2009, pp.7).The change in procurement methods are shown in the deep 90s in signifier 2.3 (Yisa, Ndekugri Ambrose, 1996, pp.55). This change can be contributed to the need for a more integrated and less fragmented approach as the main contractor is managing twain the contrive and construction activities and can promote contractor led innovation.Risk, which is change magnitudely valuable in a recession is being shifted away from the client and towards the contractor under Design Build and Private finance Initiatives.2.1.4 Decision to TenderA contractors decision to tender can greatly change their balance sheet at the end of a year. protrusions are becoming more expensive and time consuming to tender for and the factors which need to be considered are highlighted in Figure 2.4 (Cooke Willams, 2009, pp83-86).Hughes (2004) found that the average contractor forget spend 3% of turnover on winning work. He also suggets that traditional competitive tendering is much more ex pensive than design and build as there is considerably more competition and a lower success rate. Walwork (1999) argues that there is equal importance between up remedy tolerate and right price in order to make a profit. Kometa et al, (1996, pp.273) evaluate the need for the clients financial stability to be discussed in greater detail. They draw attention to the risk of late payments or client insolvency.This prime is highlighted by Shepherd (2009) when he states in a correspondence that labor such large tenders, where procurement costs are north of 5m, takes a lot of thought and consideration. The client pass on have to show, for example, that they are arrange and appear to be an efficient procurement authority. In a recession we will become a more discerning bidder as cash is tighter and projects more sought after.Happy to discuss more as is fit.Cheers, Andrew.2.1.5 Below Cost TenderingWhitten (2009) writing for spin News explained how The Civil Engineering Contractors con nection has warned of an emerging trend of firms pricing down the stairs cost.They believe that for some organizations it is a matter of short term survival but that if it continues there will be an increase in disputes and a decline in enthronement in training and technology. Client and contractor relations have significantly improved in the last ten years butwill be stretched to breaking point if we see clients take advantage of the recession and of declining workloads to push for bargain basement prices.Both Whitten (2009) and Scully (2009) argue the point that to a lower place cost tendering is unsustainable and will increase the risk of contractors facing insolvency. Reductions in solid and plant costs have been exceeded by the drop in tender prices. Insolvencies are predicted to occur firstly among contractors who tender correctly but fail to win the contract and then among those who win the contract with unsustainably low bids (Whitten, 2009).2.2 collision of an Economi c box on the Construction IndustryA recession impacts on e actually sector but none more so than the construction industry as it is relies on large capital outgo for its lifeblood. This results in a reduction in the number of projects along with an increase in the cost of borrowing to repay loans and pay wages (Ren Lin, 1996).RICS describe lately on their website (1st October 2009) that tender prices for impudently construction work will not rise until 2011 and that pre-recession levels wont be seen in the next quintuple years. It was noted that if public spending was cut it would have a pernicious effect on the construction industry. 2.2.1 Economic Recession in ConstructionA recession can be caused by many factors but the underlying reason is high inflation. The construction industry is labour intensive and owing to unions demands for higher wages through government agreements, wages do not increase due to demand but social factors and touch off in one rention. This is the main cause of inflation in construction costs. Ren Lin (1996) illustrate this relationship in Figure 3.1.1 for the last recession of the late 80s and early 90s.The UK Governments polity has been to provide a fiscal stimulus by increasing spending on large public projects so as to inject money into the economy which will filter down through all sectors (McFall, 2008). Green (2009) forecasted that the recession will match up to the recession of the late 80s and early 90s but that it will recover quicker. Once again public spending is the underlining reason for the upturn but it is questioned whether the continuous spending can be sustained.The logical relation between high inflation which causes a rise in borrowing costs and a reduction in construction investment and olibanum a fall in the construction cycle is shown below in Figure 3.1.2 (Ren Lin 1996).2.2.2 Lean Construction tally Chain IntegrationLean construction is an adaptation of melt industry which is used aggressively by large car manufacturers to great affect (Emmitt Jorgensen 2008). It is particularly relevant in a recession as it can be used at every stage and its main focus is to eliminate waste from the production life cycle so that value is added to each process, leading to lower costs, shorter construction periods and greater profits (Cartlidge, 2002).It is shown below in Figure 3.2 how slant construction can be use to different sectors of the construction industry (Cooke Willams, 2009, pp.105). Lean construction benefits tendering as it promotes innovation and off-site production which reduces over all costs and provides increased quality to the client.Practices such as downsizing, out-sourcing, de-layering and re-engineering have been widely used within both construction companys and specific projects (Thorpe et. al., 1998). The use of sub contractors has increased as there is less overheads involved (Langford Male, 1992). The benefits of partnering can be applied to co-contracting (main contractor-sub contractor) and supply chain integration (contractor-supplier), (Edum-Fotwe McCaffer, 1999). This allows greater flexibility as both partners are works for a common goal and greater economies of scale can be achieved when tendering as contractors will have their own list of preferred suppliers or sub contractors which allows them to price new projects quickly and efficiently.As suppliers account for such a high percentage of building costs their involvement at an early stage should be welcomed as they can contribute new ideas, products or processes (Cartlidge, 2002). Green May (2005) propose that three models can be applied to the adoption of lean in construction a lean model of waste elimination, partnering and structuring the context. 2.2.3 Partnering in TenderingPartnering has been widely adopted in tendering in the last number of years as it offers the opportunity for improving the project outcome aswell as benefiting the whole supply chain (Dozzi et al., 1996 Larson and Drexler, 1997). It utilizes each participants expertise and resources so that the required business objectives can be met or exceeded (Bennett Jayes, 1998).Cooke Williams (2009, pp.45) highlight the crucial elements of partnering which are reproduced in Figure 3.3 and they note that without all these elements, it is not partnering but merely an alliance. Partnering follows on from the antecedent sections as continuous improvement is achieved through lean construction, innovation and acquisition, problem resolution is promoted through use of the NEC3 contract and concludingly mutual objectives relates to a contractors decision to tender which is super important so that the appropiate parties are working together.The benefits to construction companies is that they can parcel out the risk of tendering with another company who may otherwise be tendering against them and have expertise in a certain area which would otherwise have to be paid for. As highlighted pr eviously, future spending in construction is heavily reliant on the public sector which following the Latham and Egan reports is difficult to adopt a team-building approach which promotes partnering.Due to the economic recession in UK construction, companies have been using partnering to expand into global markets which have not been as widely affected. In a bid to reduce risk most companies form local partnerships so as to utilize local fellowship as well as reducing the costs associated with labour transfers (Edum-Fotwe McCaffer, 1999). plot of ground a more open relationship now exists between the different participants of a construction project Wood Ellis (2005, pp.324) estimate that it will still be some time before a fully accredited relationship exists as there is an engrained culture of mistrust and deception. Successful partnerships offer the opportunity for paraphrase work but the client must be assured that tenders remain competitive within the relationship of trust .2.2.4 Strategic Tendering Project MixStrategic tendering and project mix become even more crucial to a companies success during times of a recession. As the private sector feels the impact of a recession firstly and for a slightly longer period it is in a companys long term pursuance to carry out a more aggressive bidding policy towards the public sector (Ren Lin, 1996). Another advantage of the public sector is its transparency and openness during the tender stage. While the public sector may be susceptible to mal-practice, construction companies know that they will be impartially assessed and receive feedback under new regulations (Statutotory Instrument, 2006).Strategic planning can be very beneficial as it seeks to align a company in a certain direction. In todays climate contractors need to evalute the client when deciding to tender as many contractors have commenced work on a project only to instructed to withdraw as the funding has been restricted (Edum-Fotwe McCaffer, 1999). A number of contractors have also begun to take on jobs at cost or even a loss in an effort to win work with the misfortune of repeat work. Also this asserts the company name in circulation and also to hold onto valued staff that might otherwise have to be made redundant.Shepherd, the bid conductor for Building Schools for the Future (BSF) is of the opinion that prominent procurement projects, such as BSF, lose some of the benefits of group procurement by being so expensive to procure. This creates a barrier to entry, which in some ways may affect the value in the procurement. The brazen-faced side is that for a contractor, you know you will be involved in a procurement process where you have a realistic incur of winning and that your scale delivers value.2.2.5 mental institution Learning in Construction ane of the most revolutionary changes in tendering has been the use of e-tendering which has been used most notably on the multibillion pound development for the Olymp ic Games in London 2012. Innovation in tendering can offer many advantages as it provide secure resource savings to a major part of the supply chain, with the key benefits being enhanced communication, time savings and cut down costs (Stephenson Tindsley, 2008). IT has aided smaller companies in allowing them to compete with their larger counterparts in certain areas. Thorpe et. all (1998) argue that construction has yet to receive the full benefit of IT advancements compared to other industries.Due to the competitive culture in the construction industry, up until recently there has been a lack of organisational learning which promotes the sharing of knowledge and experiences between companies (Barlow Jashapara, 1998). There has been very little research into organisational learning but Poyner and Powells (1995) report emphasised its importance in providing competitive advantage which is especially relevant in an economic recession. 3. Research MethodologyThe research objective is to evaluate the impact of an economic recession on the current tendering practices of UK contractors. In order to receive a greater understanding of the topic we are have qualitative and quantitative research methods. The approach employed is that qualitative research facilitates quantitative research by providing a hypothesis or assists measurement by suggesting questions (Oyedele, 2009).The research hypothesis was established through reading relevant journals and this was developed further through carrying out two interviews with industry specialists which when mapped can then assist in forming a questionnaire. A pilot study was conducted and upon receiving positive feedback the questionnaire survey was completed.Figure 3.1 Research Methodology.The literature review was sourced in the Queens, university library from textbooks, databases, journals, magazines and the internet. This source was particularly valuable as it allowed the author gain instant access to a vast array of w ebsites, on-line articles, publications, current news etc.3.1 Unstructured InterviewFollowing on from the previous chapter, two unstructured interviews were completed by industry specialists. The main aim is to develop a greater understanding of the issuance in auxiliary to the literature review and to stumble upon any differences between the two. This type of interview has no set format beyond the opening question but the interviewer may have some key questions which they can use to keep the interviewee on the topic. The interviewer is receptive to the interviewees responses and the interview follows a conversational style. Both interviewees are employed by the largest privately owned construction company in the UK with offices also in India, Australia and the United Arab Emirates. The company has an integrated capability thus allowing a holistic view of construction.The first interviewee is a project manager who has experience of tendering with Lagan and Farran construction and is currently working alongside NIW on a large PFI project valued at approximately cxxx million.The second interviewee is a bid manager for on the building schools for the future framework (BSF). He is leading a team on a project worth over 1 billion with a figure of 5.6 million.3.2 Qualitative Research cognitive MappingYin (1989) observes that in qualitative research the broadest question should be stated so that data can be drawn from a number of sources such as archival records, direct observation, documents, interviews, participant observation and physical artefacts. Qualitative research is any form of research that produces findings not arrived at by means of statistical procedures or other means of quantification (Strauss and Corbin, 1990). The interviews form the basis for the cognitive mapping and allow a greater understanding of the subject.3.3 Quantitative Research Questionnaire SurveyCreswell (2003) explained quantitative research methods are used to test or verify the ories or explanations identify variables to study, relate variables in questions or hypotheses use statistical standards of asperity and reliability, and employ statistical procedures for analysis. The next step was to formulate a advance questionnaire based on the main topics raised in the literature review and interviews and this was used to conduct a pilot study.Slight modifications were made following the pilot study and a final questionnaire was produced which contains thirty eight factors that can be considered as significant in impacting on the tendering practices of UK contractors. In the questionnaire, the rating of the factors was done on a fivesome point scale ranging from 1 to 5, where 1 represents strongly disagree, and 5 represents strongly agree. Respondents who had no opinion concerning the factors could select the answer of indifferent.The third section of the questionnaire will be used in our regression analysis and it involves establishing a relationship betwee n the different factors of our analysis. The final section allows respondents to write additional comments on any outstanding issues which had not been brought up in the questionnaire but which they felt were important.A total of forty one respondents replied to the questionnaire and despite this being lower than was wished, due to time constraints the statistical analysis had to be completed nonetheless. Shown below in Table 3.1 are the total number of respondents and a breakdown of their characteristics.4. Qualitative Results and Analysis Cognitive MappingCognitive mapping allows the analysis of large amounts of qualitative development and can be used to structure messy or mixed data for problem solving. It is especially useful as a note taking method during interviews and assisting the process by increasing the understanding of the subject (Ackermann et al., 1992).Decision explorer is a tool which allows relationships to be pictured relating to a subject. Data entry is provide d using ideas, which capture the core aspects of a notion. The concepts are then linked to show the relationship and factors of importance between ideas (Brightman, 2002).Figure 3.1 shows the three methods which can be used to question where a concept is leading towards. For the purpose of this analysis the method Action Outcome was employ as it was felt that it is best suited to exploring the subject and discovering the goals/outcomes. Once completed, surround and reflection can then follow on the most important factors which have been established.4.4 Analysis DiscussionUsing the maps in the previous section the main factors can be discussed and their influence on other concepts. 4.4.1 key Concepts AnalysisCentral analysis reveals the concepts that have been linked the most times with other concepts and means that the concepts listed below have the greatest influence on the analysis. A central analysis was conducted and the following top five concepts were revealed potpourri in Contractor Client Attitudes20 from 39 Concepts.Contractors Using below Cost Tendering19 from 35 Concepts.To Remain Lean and Competitive During the Recession15 from 31 Concepts.Economic Recession14 from 32 Concepts.increase Likelihood of Repeat Work14 from 29 ConceptsAll these top five concepts are directly related as the economic recession and change in attitudes has resulted in contractors using below cost tendering and lean construction to remain competitive during the recession with the increased likelihood of repeat work.The main issue/driver mentioned in the interviews was the economic recession which as stated in my literature review impacts severely on the construction industry as there is a reduction in the number of projects along with the cost of borrowing to repay loans and pay wages increasing (Ren Lin, 1996). This logical relation was explained in my literature review and is illustrated in Figure 4.1.The change in attitudes from both the contractor and client was a lso discussed with Latham (1994) arduous to adopt a win-win mentality and Egan (1998) focusing on improving quality and efficiency and creating a movement for change. This change from the 1960s mentality whereby private and public jobs were awarded solely on competitive tendering to a situation whereby a variety of issues are evaluated (Edum-Fotwe McCaffer, 1999) has put additional pressure on contractors forcing them to withstand quality and project time but reduce their tenders to below cost if necessary.Clients are having a greater participation and have requested a less fragmented approach which has resulted in a change of contracts to a more frequent use of design and build (Yisa, Ndekugri and Ambrose, 1996).Interviewee No.2 feels that clients are manipulating the current climate in order to get the same quality of work done cheaper whereas Interviewee No.1 is of the opinion that it is the contractors who are quick to adopt below cost tendering in an effort to hold onto staf f as other projects are completed.The concept of remaining lean and competitive during the recession is extremely important and is discussed in great detail in my literature review. Cartlidge (2002) describes how lean construction eliminates waste so that value is added to each process, leading to lower costs, shorter construction periods and greater profits.The concept of leanness incorporates reduced bid frequency as overheads need to be reduced. Walwork (1999) and Interviewee No.1 both stress the need for contractors to select the right project which will then give a greater chance of success. Innovation can reduce costs through organizational learning (Barlow and Jashapara, 1998) but both interviewees felt that as overheads need to be reduced innovation should come from your supply chain which have budgets for research and development. As discussed in my literature review suppliers involvement should be welcomed at an early stage so that they can contribute new ideas, products, or processes (Cartlidge, 2002).increase likelihood of repeat work was felt by Interviewee No.1 to come through partnering which allows a greater outcome for the whole supply chain (Dozzi et al., 1996 Larson and Drexler, 1997). A better outcome is achieved as the required business objectives can be met or exceeded (Bennett Jayes, 1998). Interviewee No.2 felt that early involvement with the client allowed links to be established thus leading onto repeat work.4.4.2 Domain Concepts AnalysisThe reality analysis counts the highest number of links in and out of a concept and establishes connections with other issues within its immediate domain. It analyses local complexity but fails to rise the wider context of the subject. A domain analysis was conducted and the following top five concepts were revealed8 relate around1 Change in contractor client attitudes2 Contractors using below cost tendering6 Links around3 Increased public spending4 Partnering and increased communication5 To rema in lean and competitive during the recessionThe previous central results determined the concepts with the greatest influence on the entire map and therefore it follows that these should have the highest number of links. Changes in attitudes, below cost tendering and lean construction were central to my literature review and interviews and this is why they have been highlighted here. The drivers for change are changing attitudes and below cost tendering with lean construction providing a number of strategies to improve through off-site manufacturing, innovative design and assembly, pre-fabrication, supply chain integration and pre-assembly (Cooke and Williams, 2009).The governments policy of increased public spending was noted by both interviewees and McFall (2008) in my literature review as oblation a company strategy to survive the economic recession. RICS (1st October 2009) reported that tender prices for new construction work will not rise until 2011 and that if the public spend ing was cut it would have a detrimental effect on the construction industry.This is further supported in my literature review which states that strategic tendering and project mix is even more crucial during a recession. Ren and Lin (1996) sound out that it is in a companys long term in
Books to Support Learning Development
Books to digest Learning growthBook title Horried Henrys Birthday PartyThis naming will be explaining how the resource (a halt) will meet h mature the moderateing and teaching of minorren. This will withal talk and explain any(prenominal) theories and see how those theories support and help the accomplishment and ontogenesis of youngsterren in the society. The reserve selected for review is a story book entitled outrageous Henry natal day troupe. This book was written by Franscesca Simon in 2009 and illustrated by Tony Ross. The book was previously publish as a single story in HORRID enthalpy AND THE SECRET CLUB, and is also available as an audio book.Learning is in truth important for children because it builds up their store of backgrounds friendship of things that they didnt know before, it builds up their confident, self-esteem, and muchover it helps them to do well in school or at home. The resource was created in order to help children with their check outing and rebelment, because all in all children learn throughout different techniques and strategies. The author believes that the majority of children, who reads books often get unwrap guessing about stuffs that they didnt know before, because reading is angiotensin-converting enzyme of the almost important exercises for our brains. Reading books is it better than doing otherwise stuffs such(prenominal) as watch TV and etc. the more books children read, they better they get in their immersion and also reading regularly as they ar growing up, will help them in order to develop or gain more abilities in doing things for a longer periods of time.The plot of the story runs as follows by and by Henrys mis demeanour at his previews birthday instigatey, his enhances decided that he would never entertain a nonher birthday party, nevertheless his birthday was tight there again, and they assimilate decided to give him wiz more chance. The blueprint is to occupy the party away from home at Lazer Zap exclusively the place was expensive but at least it means no mess would be done to house. Ein truththing is going fine until Henrys dad called the book the place for the birthday party unfortunately he finds that Henry has been banned from Lazer Zap for tone so he ends up having a party at home after all. It was not impress when everything started to get molest at the party, the wrong presents, the wrong party games, the wrong prizes and even the wrong food. Nevertheless with Henry around thing would not be great and disappointing for long. He sneaks off to get his water system gun, and his p bents and guests get a pretty wet surprise.Children particularly those aged in the midst of four to six eld old are often enthusiastic, clamorous and emotional. This dynamism is landably normal sometimes they are active and they crapper be a quite handful talking almost all the time, not doing as they are told and seems tireless. This grade of behaviour is mo re normally among boys. Although this free fall be very hard situation for parents to deal with as it could be seen in the story of Horrid Henrys birthday where the boy is anxiously awaiting his birthday party and diligently planning what kind of presents should be and who to invite. On the other hand, his parents are also planning where the party should take place but also fear the consequences of Henrys expecting misbehaviour. earlyish childhood is not moreover a period of nasty physical proceeds it also a time of remarkable noetic instruction. Cognitive association with memory reasoning problem solving and thought continue to emerge throughout childhood (Jean Piaget).A child encyclopedism development depends on many a(prenominal) characteristics such as family, environs, emotional and situations. unremarkably the first flock with whom the child interacts are parents. According to the research, parenting is this instant cerebrate to system of mind and emotion rea son. In particular, research related to theory of mind has examined the importance of such variables as attachment, parenting style, and discipline. Bowlby (1982) suggested that secure attachments enable children to learn about their caretakers perspective, which thus allows a child to recognize differences amongst his/her consume and his/her caretakers perspectives. In early childhoods, relationships are formed with brothers and or sisters and other children beyond the immediate family. Parental and the surroundal influence have a very high probabilities to influence a child behaviour. The environment is not entity that inevitably imposes upon individuals. When movement is constrains, some aspects of the physical and environment whitethorn influence on individuals whether they care it or not.Nevertheless most aspects of the environment do not interlock as influence until they are touch off by grab behaviour. Observing to previews research, children development also depends o n parent-child relationship. It is one of the most of important aspects which should be taken into account for individual differences in early kind-cognitive performance. Horrid Henrys birthday story gives a very favorable opportunity to discuss good and bad behaviour for two child and parents and also relationship. The relationship between parents and young children is one of the most powerful factor in a child growth and development. During the early years parents are the centre of a young childs universe. The type of attachment relationship that a child forms with his parents real helps shape connections related to language, conceive ofing, behaviours and emotions. Horrid Henry birthday story proves that parents had a role as well on their child behaviour because of parents attitude about their sons birthday was not reliable. They started to complain about the place and the how it would cost when the child told them about the plan of attack birthday therefore it was not sur prise when everything started to go wrong at the party. According to family systems theory (Minuchin Fishman, 1981), broader factors that influence the parent also bottomland advert the dynamics between parents and children. For congresswoman paternal stress could become a major force contributing to adaptive, and maladaptive, child development. Parenting stress is one of many factors aspects that offer influence a child behaviour and development such for parent suffering high levels of stress, mainly from economic difficulties, normally are less responsive and actionate with their children. This proves that parenting stress could ostracizely affects a childs social cognitive development (Cole and Mitchell, 1998).As development continues, so the childs network of relationships increases, with teachers, classmates, neighbours and so becoming an important part of social development. Parents behaviour is the first thing that could affect a child behaviour and decision making. It is important to note that a child memory is like a recording device which can only reproduce exactly what they have recorded learned from throng around them. According to Horrid Henrys birthday story, it encourages children to think about friendship and it also teaches them how important is world social with other children. Friendships in childhood start as real relationships based on enjoyable experiences. As they grow up, friendships involve into a more hoist concept, one based upon mutual resileion and psychological satisfaction. That is one of the reason in Horrid Henry story the first thing he has done was to judge his friends and decide who should be invited to the party and who should not be invited. Unfortunately he finds that all friends name were crossed which means that no guest and no presents. This proves that the role friendships play throughout lie is important. Friendships for children forget numerous important functions including companionship, stimulation, a nd physical and affection. Each of this functions has a different decimal point of importance at different times of development. Several theorists view the development of friendships similarly to other areas of human beings development, as going through sure come onive stages. In first stage, friendship for children four to six years old is based on based on physical or geographical considerations and is rather self-cantered. A friend is playmate who lives nearby and has toys. At this stage there little or no understanding character traits. The second stage concerns children of age seven to nine years old or younger, at this stage children begin to understand reciprocity and develop an awareness of the other childs feelings.There no head that having a friend is extremely important for children. Many researches have proven this saying that more than half the children referred for emotional or behavioural problems have no friends or experience difficulty in peer interactions. Fri endships pass on significantly to the development of social skills, such as being rude(a) to other peoples point of view, learning the rules of conversation, and learning sex and age appropriate behaviours. They also help to define both self and self-worth. Friends also have a powerful influence on a childs positive and negative school performance and may also help to encourage, or discourage, pervert behaviours, such as delinquency or drug use. Compared to children who lack friends, children with good friends have higher self-esteem. They are less likely to be lone(a) and act more pro socially. They are able to cope with lifetime stresses and normal transitions and are also less victimized by peers. Interestingly, children with friends of both sexes, as a group, are well-adjusted and have greater social skills than children who have only same sex friendships. As parents, it is important to supporting in mind that is although friendships follow a somewhat predictable developme ntal sequence, as in other areas of physical, cognitive, or social-emotional development, not all children progress at the same rate and delays are not necessarily a assume for concern. Additionally, parents who interpret their childrens desire for solitary play as solitude and attempt to push friends on them may be making an amiss(p) assumption. As important as friendships are, like their adult counterparts, children may greatly enjoy and choose solitary activities. Its important to distinguish between being lonely and the desire to be alone, even in childhood. Like adults, children need alone space to grow and develop and, in their own way, reflect on the days activities.If we could take a close look on Horrid Henry birthday story, you could understand the financial situation of the family. It seems that family income has an in effect(p) effect on child development. Even casual observers note that the children of feeder parents are more likely to succeed in life than the chil dren of unforesightful parents. For instance, compared to more affluent children, inadequate childrenscore low on tests of cognitive skill in early childhood, have more behaviour problems in school and at home are more likely to drop out of high school, and those who do finish high school are less likely to enrol in or graduate course, are more likely to have children at young age are more likely to be poor themselves when they adults. The most intuitive accounting for this difference is that rich parents can spend more than poor parents on their children and that these investments lead to better outcomes for their children. This intuition fit the engagements of policy makers looking for artless solutions to alleviate poverty and its apparent by-products If poor children fail because their parents cannot make competent monetary investments in their future, then government can improve the life chances of poor children by providing families with the means to make the investments or by providing the investments directly in the form of schooling, health care, and other human capital in- puts (Mayer 2010)However, poor parents inability to invest in their children is not the only possible explanation for the relationship between family poverty and child well-being. different parental characteristics associated with their poverty have been implicated, especially parental education and marital status. Environment characteristics and parental behaviour or culture have also been implicated. These explanations argue for policies other than income support to improve childrens well-being as adults.According to (Buss and Plomin 1984), sociability refers to one of the three dimensions of temperament (the others being emotionally and activity) which are taken to present at birth and inherited. Since the environment where human live is not a fixed entity that inevitably imposes upon individuals. When movement is constrained, some aspects of the physical and social envi ronment may influence on individuals whether they like it or not. Nevertheless most aspects of environment do not operate as an influence until they are activated by appropriate behaviour. For instance lecturers do not influence students unless they attend. In social cognitive theory, people are neither driven by inner forces nor automatically shaped and controlled by environment. As we have already seen, they function as contributors to their own motivation, behaviour, and development within a network of reciprocally interacting influences. Person are characterised within this theoretical perspective in terms of the number of prefatorial capabilities.This book is interesting on another aspect, mainly the aspects of illustrations. As a matter of fact, children also learn through personations. Pictures can help children to understand the story even though before reading it, and this also helps children who experience reading difficulty. They can analyse the story, participate in w hat is going on in the classroom. Those pictures help and stimulates childrens imagination. As one researcher said, picture books helps in the development of the concept of cause and effect. These books raise childrens interest in the lesson. This is why Segun (1988) believed that illustrations are literature in their own office and, whether used by themselves or integrated with written texts, they sharpen the sensing of children, stimulate their imagination and increase their sense of observation. The overall development of children can be aided by good illustrations. Actually through illustrations, children can have a sense of personal identity and an awareness of their heathenish heritage. Jelongo (2004) also views things in the same way when s/he says that teachers who take time to engage in reading picture books promote literacy among their pupils who then become literate adults with the ability to decode words and enjoy reading.The book can also contribute to the organisati on of role play or class parties for children. It is so interesting that other authors have come with Horrid Henry complete birthday party kit for kidsReferencesAunola, Kaisa and Stattin, Hkan and Nurmi, Jari-Erik (2000) Parenting styles and adolescents execution strategies, vol 23, no. 2, pp. p205-222Guajardo, Nicole R and Snyder, Gregory and Petersen, Rachel (2009) Relationships among parenting practices, parental stress, child behaviour, and childrens social-cognitive development, Vol 18, no.1.pp.p37-60Gol, Hayedeh Cheraghali and Rostami, Amir Masood and Goudarzi, Mahdi (2013) Prediction of marital Satisfaction based on Perfectionism vol 89, p 567-571Vinall, Jillian and Miller, Steven P and Synnes, Anne R and Grunau, pathos E (2013) Parent behaviours moderate the relationship between neonatal irritation and internalizing behaviours at 18 months corrected age in children born very prematurelyEarly friendships profoundly affects childs development at http// ool Dr Paul Schwartz (2013)Jessica Kingsley 1992. Six theories of Child developmentMargaret E. Wood 1973. Development of Personality And BehaviourMayer, S (2010). Revisiting an old question How much does parental income affect child outcomes? 2.pp.p2126ED1034 Developing Learning in Early ChildhoodAssignment A Book ReviewUsing your knowledge of the factors which contribute to quality in resources used to support childrens learning and development, choose one example of either a published childrens book, or a well known childrens game and deliver an essay that explains how this resource supports childrens learning and development.Within this essay you moldinessMake reference to theoretical and philosophical perspectives on child development to support your discussion.Discuss the factors that contribute to quality in resourcesDemonstrate an understanding of the holistic nature of learning and that learning can occur in many contexts.Word count 3000 words.The Importance of I llustrations in Childrens Books in Illustrating for Childrenedited by Mabel Segun. Ibadan CLAN, 1988. pp 25-27
Saturday, March 30, 2019
The Malaysian Consumer Price Index Economics Essay
The Malayan Consumer exp wind upiture Index Economics EssayThe consumer hurt tycoon (cost-of-living index) is measurement of the percentage change through snip in the m geniustary value of purchasing a constant group of goods and alike services and it likewise nameing an ordinary pattern or indication from the purchases made by the citizen in one specific period of time. The Index is started since 1967 = 100 (which is the establish year) was the index for the Peninsular Malaysia while the Index for the year 1980 is referring to Malaysia which subject matter that the whole Malaysia. e rattling last(predicate) the series of info of the cost-of-living index be establish on internationally accepted statistical procedure. Each of this series is follow the recomm stoped classification contained in the United Nations System of National Account (SNA), 1968 that must be followed by every untaught in measuring cost-of-living index. The most commonly methods or formula that been use to analyze and collect the data of cost-of-living index is Laspeyres, which is based on the item that be locally consumed reflecting the spending habits of average citizen. The items and so been include in the Consumer toll Index is usually a fatality product or the product or services that been continuously employ by the consumer. In prior 2006 the goods and services were classified according to categorization of Household Goods and Services (CHGS) with the nine main(prenominal) group which is Food, Beverage and Tobacco, dress and Footwear, Gross Rent Fuel Power, Furniture and Furnishing Household Equipment and Operation, Transportation and Communication, cheer Entertainment Education and Cultural Services, and lastly is Miscellaneous goods and services. These baskets of consumer product lose been changes from CHGS to COICOP (Classification of Individual Consumption According to mapping) in year 2006 until now and the additive group of product has been change to t welve which is Alcohol and Non-Alcohol Food and alcoholism and R turn outine Household Maintenance, others are remained constant.1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDYThis national conducted to visualize what is the causal relationship amid stintingal shifting and Malaysian CPI. The main purpose of this enquiry is to reveal the relationship of stinting versatiles touch on towards the CPI for the last five years. The consumer expense Index or CPI is the oecumenic and major index that excuseed the changes in retail outlay paid by the rest home for goods and services. CPI measures the changes in the general level of hurts of a obstinate basket of goods and services which represents the items which are normally consumed by an average household in Malaysia with reference to the base period. The CPI is designed to provide a broad measure of changes in retail prices experienced by Malaysian households as a group and should not be expected to on the barelyton reflect the experience of a ny individual household. Therefore it leave alone assert changes depending on the legion(predicate) factors that will work on it. The economic varying that been interrogation in this try out is pretentiousness count, step in rate, thread oil color color, capital submit and in addition Consumer outlay Index. This look for wants to reveal what is the protean that will gather in the relationship with Consumer price Index. Although the existing investigate provides some support think between the economic variable and CPI there is need for spare investigate.1.2 PROBLEM commandConsumer monetary value index is one of the major indicator in one country because of its explained the average general price of consumer product in that country. This is important because of its related with the efficiency of the country in managing the price of the consumer product that will remain changes from time to time. Therefore it is very important to understand what exactly the fa ctors that crown to the change on the CPI and the methods to control the changes. It is not good if a country declare a higher consumer price index contrast to the average household income, it means that the household stimulate a constraint in spending their specie towards necessity product. Thus, in this research the main point is to know which economic variables that will give an impact towards the consumer product and the efficiency of the variable influence the CPI.1.3 RESEARCH QUESTIONIn this domain, there are several research questions that has been developed regarding the problem statement occurred. The research question of this research is1.3.1 To learn out the current condition of the Consumer Price Index1.3.2 To find out the reason the fluctuation of Consumer Price Index1.3.3 To identified the effect of the economic variable towards the consumer price Index1.3.4 To find out the consequences of the impact towards the country and household.1.3.5 To list the ways to ov ercome a large fluctuation of the Consumer Price Index.1.4 OBJECTIVE OF STUDYSeveral studies on CPI found that it is a common view that every country has a fluctuation on the Consumer Price Index. However, it natesnot be denied that some of the economic variable will impact the fluctuation of CPI and it are been prove by the past research that been found in the abroad study. Therefore the main purpose of this study is to know the impact of the economic variable that been utilize as a variables towards the Consumer Price Index.1.5 SIGNIFICANT OF THE STUDYThere are several others factors that lead to the fluctuation or changes on the consumer Price Index such as political decision making, political stability, and a government decision evolution plan. In this study we just only want to research on the economic variable that would give a huge impact towards the CPI, compare to the others economic variables and the crucial of the impact.1.6 SCOPE OF STUDYThe scope of this study would assure the consumer price product in Malaysia and the significant changes of the consumer product price. Next, this study also cover some of the economic variable that been choose as free variables.The time horizon used in this study is single grouchy sectional where the economic variables may come from consumer price index (CPI), fill rate, foreign exchange, Money supplement and palm oil.1.7 LIMITATION OF STUDY quantify constraint has been encountered ever since the study has been started at the early semester 2011 until April 2011 therefore its clog in order to distri simplye questionnaire and have a respondent and break down a feedback on CPI. The study has been do by using the data that been collected and also the recent past supporting journal that have been done.This study is based on the data collected from the secondary sources and also the primary resources. The data been collected from the beginning January of the year 2005 until declination end 2010. The time pe riod of this research is for the 5 years.1.8 DEFINITION OF TERMS1.8.1 CPICPI volumes represent the Consumer Price Index which is the average general price of consumer product that been group in Malaysia.1.8.2 inflation rateThe rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising, and, subsequently, purchasing power is falling1.8.3 Exchange paceThe price of one countrys currency expressed in some other countrys currency. In other words, the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another1.8.4 Money SupplyThe entire total of bills, coins, loans, credit and other liquid instruments in a countrys economy.1.8.5 Palm oilPalm oil is the current price of the Palm rock oil in countries.1.9 SUMMARYConsumer price index is one of the major indicator that been chitchat in evaluate the condition of one country. There are a few other indicator that can been use to evaluate one country such as the criminal cases, population, economic and others variable but the mo st preferable indicators is CPI because its related with the consumer which is the customer and price which is resources and leads to the revenue. So it is important to control CPI simultaneously with the household income because of its have a negative correlational statisticss. This study will taste the impact of economic variable towards the CPI. Few economic variables are taken to tryout whether there are any significant correlation between the restricted and unconditional variables.CHAPTER 3METHODOLOGY AND selective information3.0 INTRODUCTIONThe object lenss of this study are to find the correlation between the economic variables and impact towards the consumer price index. Specifically, this study is meetd which variable is have a huge impact towards the movement of the CPI. Therefore by doing this research we can exactly get the true information on the movement of the consumer price index rather than cod surmisal based on the own ideology. To achieve the objective o f study, several test have been use to get the result of the variable. Example of the test that wants to be done is T-Test, F Test and Multiple Regressions. The test has been choosing because of it will give a clear and transparent view on the result and its uncomplicated compared to others test that more complicated. This test also have been supported by the surmise based on the understanding on the issued that been research or discuss. The dead reckoning is the early assumption on the result that will happens at the end of the study.3.1 DATA COLLECTIONData concerning on the historical of CPI and the economic variables were gathered to see whether there are any correlation between the dependent and all those independent variables.The secondary data will be collected from the past recent journal regarding this study. The study or research have been develop by the foreign people or country, but the variable is not the same but still similar. The journal that been used is only for support the consumer price index situation.3.2 SAMPLING FRAMETo take prisoner an acceptable result, this study decided to use 5 economic variables from others economic variables and the data is collected for 5 years and in monthly instauration.3.3 SOURCES OF DATAThe data on the dependent variables CPI was collected from the Malaysian part of Statistic and the data are updated until December 2010 which is on the current updated. The data is in Malaysian Ringgit (RM). Next for the independent variables the data are been collected from the DataStream which is for Inflation come out in percentage (%), Exchange rate in Malaysian ringgit (RM), Money Supply in Malaysian Ringgit (RM), and lastly for the palm oil is still in the Malaysian Ringgit (RM). The data have been collected from January 2005 until December 2010 and by using monthly data basis.3.4 VARIABLES AND MEASUREMENTThe variables used in this study can be categorized into two main types which are the dependent and the indepen dent variables.3.4.1 Dependent VariablesThe dependent variable for this study is the Consumer Price Index which will be measured in terms of average general level of price that been group under COICOP.3.4.2 Independent VariablesFor this study, there are four independent variables that will be measured. There is the inflation rate, exchange rate, Money Supply and Palm vegetable oil3.5 RESEARCH chassisThis research is designed to explore the relationship between dependent and independent variables. In this study, it engages in hypotheses testing that will explain the certain significant correlations between economic variables and the decision of going public.3.5.1 Purpose of the StudyThe purpose of this study is to determine the causal relationships between economic variable and CPI or want to know the impact of the economic variable towards the CPI.3.5.2 Types of probeThis study involved the correlation types of investigation which is want s to investigation the relationship betwe en the variables whether have a vigorous relationship, semi strong relationship, weak relationship and lastly is no relationship with the variables.3.5.3 Unit of abridgmentIn this study, Consumer Price Index, Exchange Rate, Inflation rate, Money Supply, Palm Oil Price.3.5.4 Time HorizonThis study will use monthly basis data from year January 2005 until December 2010THEORETICAL FRAMEWORKThere is a classical theory that explained the high correlation between the economic variable factors influence the fluctuation of the Consumer Price IndexDependent variable Consumer Price indexIndependent variables Inflation rate, exchange rate, Money Supply and Palm Oil Price.Figure 1 Schematic Diagram (Relationship Diagram)Inflation RateIndependent DependentConsumer Price IndexExchange RateMoney SupplyPalm oil PriceAccording to the schematic plat above, it can be elaborated that the Consumer Price Index are determine by the inflation rate, Exchange Rate, Money Supply and Palm Oil Price.3.6 DATA A NALYSIS AND TREATMENTThe statistical tools use in the study is Multiple bilinear Regression Model. This model of analysis is done to examine the simultaneous effects of several independent variables on a dependent variable that is interval scaled. In other used since is can explain the correlation between the dependent and independent variable. By using this correlation we can identify which variable will affect most on the dependent variable. This equation is one of the method that easier to use and understand.Multiple Linear Regression Model(Equation 1)WhereY = Dependent variable which represent Consumer Price Index= The constant number of equation= Independent variable which represent Inflation Rate= Independent variable which represent Exchange Rate= Independent variable which represent Money Supply= Independent variable which represent Palm Oil Price= Error3.7 HYPOTHESIS STATEMENTConsumer Price Index movement can be influenced by many factors. The changes in these CPI may sign ificantly change the spending of consumer and household. The consumer price index may also be effect by others out-of-door factors that cant be measures by using the data as an example political, government plan , and criminal cases that are happens and increase from time to time. Thus, there is important to make the hypothesis before makes a research and construct a finding. This hypothesis is bringing a general assumption the impact of the economic variables towards the consumer price index. venture 1H0 inflation rate is a main subscriber of the increasing in oil price. speculation 2H0 exchange rate is not a main contributor to the changes in general level of price.Hypothesis 3H0 Money supply also a contributor to the movement of the Consumer Price Index level.Hypothesis 4H0 Palm Oil is not a main contributor to the changes in average level of consumer price Index.3.8 SUMMARYIn the nutshell, this chapter will provide the research design that will be used in this study. The stud y aims to determine the relationship between economic variable factors and the consumer price index. This research will be done in accordance to the objective where to know whether there is any significant relationship between the economic variable factors with the average general price of CPI. This information will perchance can be used by the household, private and public sector, for them to make a plan in the current general consumer price Index. Since study focuses on the data from 2005 until 2010, if would give a better picture on the movement of the historical CPI until current price influence by positive relation economic factors.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Junk Food in Schools Essay
cast aside nutriment in Schools EssayAhmed ALfarajSchools, it seems, al directions need more currency. One way umteen of them found musical accompaniment for things they needed was through corporate sponsorship. objet dart there have been stories ab erupt check gymnasiums named after Pepsi, there was a much less noniceable way that corporations sponsored directs and that was through the nutrient that instills project for the electric shaverren. The law that says civilizes must provide minorren with breakfast and lunches if the kids p arnts can non afford to pay for them, make it so that instructs had to come up with a lot of in readectual nourishment for vile kids and that is high-priced. Food corporations stepped in and be ard their products to schools and schools accepted even if they were not the healthiest of intellectual nourishments. Now, because of things like pizza Hut pizza, and Smuckers Uncrustables, without meaning to, schools are contributing to the childhood fleshiness epidemic by including debris sustenances in lunches and huckster machines. However, thanks to deal like Michelle Obama, the un healthful nourishment has started to be replaced in many schools through some innovative designs and new g overnment rules about what agreeable of viands can be included in school lunches have encourageed to obligate kids profound.Most peck would agree that offering unhealthy meals to kids at school does not seem like the right thing to do. It is bad generous that many children do not get adequate nutrition at substructure, but to have the same type of food offered to them at school also seems like a hypocritical thing to do curiously when schools are responsible for also teaching healthy life appearance such as annihilateing a healthy diet and acquire plenty of exercise. The reason a law was made that required schools to behave healthy lunches and breakfast is that lower-income children may not get enough to eras e at home. Not altogether that with many single-parent households and working families, there may not be anyone to fix meals for children. The law was made so that children would not go hungry. It is a shame that schools then would feed children unhealthy food and allow vending machines that sell chuck out food.An opposite reason schools offer meals to children is that children who have eaten breakfast and lunch do much discover in school. That has recently been proven by many studies, but that is not the only reason school lunches have been given to children. Nick Confessore of the New York clock says, It was the U.S. military that first advanced the national-security implications of a healthful lunch. . . . Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, a author school principal . . . told the lawmakers that as many as 40 portion of rejected draftees had been turned away owing to poor diets (Confessore). That is how the original field School dejeuner chopine came about. During the 1980s, it was cut along with around other social services by the Reagan administration. Schools began to rely on food from corporations who were competing for the trouble of schoolchildren. Of course, there were those federal laws that schools had to comply with, but one way they got nigh the federal law was to offer unhealthy vending machine products. close to districts even struck deals with McDonalds, Chick-fil-A and other fast-food chains to sell versions of their commercial products at present to school kitchens (Confessore). That was how Pizza Hut pizza ended up on school lunch trays across the country.Some corporations even drastically centre the cost of their products for schools. It makes healthy food like fresh produces and vegetables difficult to attend because they cost so much more than what the corporations provide for free. To compete, the USDA subsidizes school lunch programs. In the Journal of general Policy Marketing Bree Dority, bloody shame McGarvey, and Patricia Ke nnedy explain that the USDA compensates those schools who serve lunches through the National School Lunch Program that meet the 1995 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (205). If a school relies too hard on corporate sponsorship, they may not get the government cash and the breakfast and lunches they serve to children get out not be as healthy as those that do receive the government subsidy, but they may reliablely spend less on food per student. The cost is that those students have a greater risk of becoming overweight or pear-shaped and of macrocosm not as healthy as children who attend schools where the lunch program is government supported. Most people do not even drive in that some schools opt for the corporate sponsorship over government sponsorship. Most parents do not look into whether or not their children are served lunches at their school support by government or corporate money. Most credibly assume that if there is a free or reduced-cost lunch program that it is th rough the government.If a person were to ask a group of parents what they design about the different ways that school lunch programs are funded, those parents would not know that one of the ways is through allowing corporations to provide processed, high in calorie foods for lunches and toss foods in vending machines to schools. Some if not most of those people would say that it is wrong to give children fling food and they would in all likelihood find it especially wrong that junk food should be uncommitted in schools. point parents who prepare a lunch at home for their children are having their efforts challenged by the presence of vending machines that offer junk food to children. The presumably healthy food that children bring from home can easily be tossed out and the child can fill up his/her stomach o the empty calorie food found in vending machines. Some people like Phebe Gibson and Lily Swartz are calling for updating the policies concerning junk food at the federal level. Not every school has them because states very much oversee school policy and not all states show as great as concern over the health of their children as others. Eliminating junk foods from school cafeterias makes children healthier though. Gibson and Swartz explain that many people all over the country want to remove junk foods from schools. A recent pate in California indicates96% of voterssupport serving healthier foods and beverages in schools, and a study conducted at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln found that banning junk food from a la carte lines would result in an18% reductionin overweight or obese students (Gibson and Swartz). Not only will children be healthier if junk foods are removed from school cafeterias and vending machines, but the childhood fleshiness problem may be stopped.The argument against the federal government context guidelines about the types of food that are served in school lunches comes from people who hope the government should not int ervene in the lives of people to the extent that they tell them what to eat at school or otherwise. Some say that people should be free to eat what they want even if it is unhealthy. They say that it violates a persons freedom when the government tells people what they can and cannot eat. Parents should be the ones who decide what their kids eat. Lindsey Tanner of the Huffington Post cites many fleshiness experts who worry that legislate what people eat may backfire especially where schools are peculiarly dependent upon food corporation dollars for survival (Tanner). Yet studies show that schools that do ban junk food have fewer overweight and obese students.The same people who want government out of their food are often the ones who say that the presence of junk food in school lunches and vending machines is not the cause of the obesity epidemic. Not every child who eats junk food will become obese. Even those children whose parents are obese may not become obese from eating jun k food, even if it is more of a risk for them. The school lunch funding programs that exist help to fund other activities at schools that will help to prevent overweight and obese children such as after-school sports, dancing and cheerleading. Linda Gorman also notes that when things like soda are banned, then products like fruit juice, which frequently has just as much sugar as soda, is allowed. Parents and students besides think they are getting healthier foods, but they are not. Gorman says that many feel that banning junk foods will not stop the obesity epidemic (Gorman). For those who believe this, education about the dangers of junk foods is a better policy.Another argument they use is the cost of food. Jan Christensen of CNN says that schools in the more expensive districts such as San Francisco spend, on average, $2.74 per child per lunch. To serve a child a healthy lunch, most experts agree that it cost about $5 per child per lunch (Christensen). Many parents cannot affor d to spend that kind of money on their kids lunches and many legislators do not want to give that kind of money to schools. Without the corporate sponsorship, it costs too much to provide healthy food in schools. Unfortunately, companies do not give fresh fruits and vegetables to schools. Even if they did, critics of government involvement in school lunch programs point out that the fresh food does not have a long ledge life. Fresh fruits and vegetables become inedible in just a few days. When they go bad, they must be thrown out and that wastes money. The processed food that corporations provide never goes bad, or at least not for a very long time, so there is little waste.Perhaps the real problem is the cost of healthy food and the presence of junk food everywhere in the American culture. Perhaps the regulations should be placed on corporations advertising practices instead of banning them from schools. If kids and their parents saw more promotion of healthier foods, they may be m ore likely to buy and consume them. Children who eat healthy at home would not develop a audition for empty-calorie food. Then kids would go to school looking for healthy foods and not junk foods and schools would have the opposite problem on their hands that of turning good deal sponsorship from companies who want to promote junk foods to children. Either way, school lunches are subsidized by government dollars, and if they are, those dollars should not be adding to the obesity problem that will cost more money down the road to battle. Even if it costs more to put healthy foods in school lunches and in vending machines in schools, it is the right thing to do for the health of children. cooks CitedChristensen, Jan. Obama Admin Bans Junk Food In Schools. 29 September 2010. CNN. Web. 11 January 2015. http//, Nicholas. How School Lunch Became the Latest Political Battleground. 7 October 2014. New York Times. Web. 11 J anuary 2015. http//, Bree L., Mary G. McGarvey and Patricia F. Kennedy. Marketing Foods And Beverages In Schools The pitch Of School Food Policy On Students Overweight Measures. Journal Of Public Policy Marketing 29.2 (2010) 204-218. PsycINFO. Web. 11 Jan. 2015.Gibson, Phebe and Lily Swartz. Setting a New donnish Standard Getting Junk Food Out of Schools. 2015. Prevention Institue. Web. 11 January 2015. http//, Linda. Junk Food Availability in Schools Raises Obesity. 2015. The National Bureau of sparing Research. Web. 11 January 2015. http//, Lindsay. Do Junk Food Laws Actually Work To Fight Kids Obesity? 13 August 2012. Huffington Post. Web. 11 January 2015. http// food-laws-may-_n_1771352.html.
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