Sunday, October 20, 2019
9 Spanish Verbs Based on Venir
9 Spanish Verbs Based on Venir Usually meaning to come, venir is one of the most common verbs in Spanish. Like many other verbs, venir can be combined with prefixes to expand its meaning. As you can see from the examples below, many of the words formed by combining venir with a prefix are related to English words that end in -vene. Thats because the English verbs come from the Latin verb venire, which is also the source of venir. Following are the most common verbs formed using the venir root along with examples of their use. Avenir Avenir typically means to reconcile, to get along, or to come to an agreement. It is frequently used in the reflexive form. Nos avenimos a firmar la Carta de la Paz, un documento que debemos fortalecer. (We came together to sign the Peace Letter, a document we ought to strengthen.)Tras largas negociaciones, los empresarios finalmente se avinieron con los sindicatos. (After lengthy negotiations, the business owners finally came to an agreement with the unions.) Contravenir Meanings of contravenir include to violate, to infringe, and to contravene. Este tipo de medidas contravenerà an el principio de libre circulacià ³n. (This kind of step violated the principle of free circulation.)Los usuarios que usen las computadoras de la biblioteca no contravendrn las leyes sobre derechos de autor o marcas registrada. (Library computer uses will not violate the laws about copyright or trademarks.) Convenir Although convenir can sometimes refer to convening, it more often refers to being suitable or agreeing. Los representantes convinieron en que debà an esperar hasta recibir mas informacià ³n. (The representatives agreed that they ought to wait until they receive more information.)Espero que el Congreso convenga, tambien aprobando el artà culo que se discute. (I hope that the Congress convenes, also approving the article under discussion.) Devinir Devenir is not related to the English verb divine but instead usually means to become or to happen. Cuando la mente deviene quiescente, el soplo deviene controlado. (When the mind quiets down, breathing becomes controlled.)No puedes devenir lo que no eres naturalmente. (You cant become what you naturally arent.) Intervenir Intervenir can refer to intervening, but it can also have a weaker meaning that refers just to participating in something. El Banco Central intervino cuando el tipo de cambio tocà ³ $2,98. (The Central Bank intervened when the exchange rate reached $2.98.)Los varones intervienen menos que las mujeres en el cuidado de los hijos. (The men participate less in the care of children than the women do.) Prevenir While prevenir often refers to preventing something, it can also refer to merely warning or even just expecting. Ambas vacunas previnieron la diseminacià ³n cloacal del virus de influenza aviar. (Both vaccines prevented the sewage-connected dissemination of the bird flu virus.)El gobierno no previno el desastre de Nueva Orleans. (The government did not anticipate the New Orleans disaster.) Provenir Provenir typically means to come from somewhere. Provengo de la ciudad de Talca en Chile. (I come from the city of Talca in Chile.)Como mi apellido indica, mi padre proviene de Alemania. (As my surname indicates, my father comes from Germany.) Sobrevenir Sobrevenir frequently refers to something coming or happening suddenly, although it can also refer to something that merely happens subsequent to something else. En la madrugada sobrevino el terremoto. (The earthquake came suddenly in the dawn.)Hay que identificar la probabilidad de que sobrevenga un tsunami. (It is necessary to determine the chance that a tsunami will occur.) Subvenir Subvenir is often translated as to pay or to defray; it typically refers to the payment for necessities. El populismo pretende que el estado subvenga a toda necesidad social tengan las personas. (Populism hopes that the state will provide for every social necessity that people have.)La madre subviene a todas las necesidades del nià ±o. (The mother pays for all the childs needs.) Conjugation of Verbs Based on Venir All these verbs are conjugated in the same way asà venir, which is irregular in nearly all its simple forms. For example, this is how prevenir is conjugated in the indicative present tense: yo prevengo, tà º previenes, usted/à ©l/ella previene, nosotros/nosotras prevenimos, vosotros/vosotras venà s, ellos/ellas previenen.
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